Parkins was born in Cambridge, England in 1951. He is an international
portraitist married to a lady born in Lyon where he has settled.
the age of 15, he wins the first Prize for a painting for OXFAM. Two
years later he is commissioned to paint a fresco in a church in London.
Later on, he wins the Prize for his drawings and watercolours in
Cognac, in 1977.
include a large variety of portraits in public and private collections
for Governments, Industry, the Church and members of the French Royal
Pope Benedict XVI, 2008, portrait in the Vatican, The
Bishops of England. - Prime Ministers of Great Britain: Sir Edward
Heath, John Major. - Prime Ministers of France: Pierre Messmer, Jacques
Chaban-Delmas, Raymond Barre, Jacques Chirac. - Madame Danielle
Mitterrand, her mother and the late President François Mitterrand
(posthumous portrait). - The Comtesse de Paris, Princesse Chantal de
France and their family. - Gérard Collomb, Maire de Lyon. - Jacques
Remiller, Maire de Vienne. - Mgr Balland and Mgr Billé, Cardinals of
Lyon. - Docteur Charles Mérieux. - Emilie Claraz etc...
Distinctions: |
The Médaille d'Honneur de la Ville de Paris in 1983. |
The Sceau and the Médaille de la Ville de Lyon in 1999. |
A portrait of Général de Gaulle was acquired by the Musée de l'Ordre de la Libération in the Invalides, Paris.
Painted in 1993 : Portrait of former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Coggan 1974-1980 in Lambeth Palace, London.
In 2016 : Portrait of Général de Gaulle in the "Cercle National des
Armées" (French Army-, Navy- and Airforce-Officers' Club), Paris.
Vatican : Portrait of Pope Benedict XVI.
Paris : Musée de l'Ordre de la Libération, Invalides. Life size portrait of General de Gaulle.
Lyon : Resistance and Deportation Museum CHRD. Portrait of Jean Moulin.
Melun : National Museum of the Gendarmerie.
Angers: Museum of Genie, Ecole du Genie. Portrait of Marshal Joseph Joffre.
Pau-Lons : Memorial Museum of the Parachutists. Portrait of General Marcel Bigeard.
London : Lambeth Palace Museum. Portrait of former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Coggan.
Stanley Parkins has exhibited a
portrait of Princess Chantal de France in her presence in Salon
d'Automne, Grand Palais, Paris in 1991, and the portraits of the Queen
Mother of England and of Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia in his presence
in 1992.
ln Hôtel de Ville de Lyon the portraits of the great names of the Second World War in 1999.
ln the Préfecture du Rhône, Lyon, the 23 portraits of the French Presidents, in 2007.
Has exhibited in numerous towns in France.
Private collections of his paintings: in United States (amongst the
paintings is the portrait of the Queen of England Elizabeth II
purchased by an admirer of the Queen), in Russia, in Ukraine (portrait
of the poet Johann von Goethe), in Australia and in Europe.
work of Stanley Parkins is shown in the Dictionary Drouot Cotation
since 2002, now Dictionnaire Cotation des Artistes, diffusion Larousse:
Television appearances: |
- 1979 in Bordeaux |
- 1991 in London by the BBC |
- 1997 in Lyon CTV |
- 2001 in Lyon TLM |
International Exhibitions: -ln London, Grosvenor House in 1991 in the
presence of John Major, British Prime Minister in office, with European
-ln Brussels, Amsterdam, Eastbourne.
Books published:
- Promenades au gré des oeuvres de Stanley Parkins. Editions du Mot Passant, October 2000.
- 100 Ans de Mairie à Lyon. Portraits of the Lord Mayors of the XXth Century drawn by Stanley Parkins, December 2000.
- La Peinture faite homme. Editions Licorne, 2006.